How to Index Backlinks Fast in Google in 2023

This post will teach you how to quickly index backlinks using a number of indexing techniques. As you'll see below, there are numerous approaches to indexing backlinks in Google so that off-page search engine optimization (SEO) can produce quicker results.

By ensuring that the high-quality backlinks you create for your website are indexed fast so they can raise your PageRank score, the goal of this article is to help you get the most out of your link-building efforts.

Use Google Search Console for Fast Indexing

Utilizing Google's own URL Inspection tool in Search Console is the first technique for quickly indexing backlinks in Google. The quickest option to get that link indexed is to submit the URL that contains the backlink to the URL inspection tool if you have administrative access to the website that contains the backlink or if you can communicate directly with the site owner who put the link.

To use this method, just follow these steps:

  • Open up Google Search Console for the correct website properly.
  • Insert the web page URL that contains your backlink into the URL inspection field.
  • Click the “enter” key on your keyboard to submit the URL for inspection.
  • Click on the “Request Indexing” button to force Google to recrawl the page to find your backlink.
See this linked tutorial on how to submit a URL to Google for indexing for further information on how to use Google Search Console.

Integrated Your Site with IndexNow

A ping protocol called IndexNow rapidly alerts search engines to the most recent content changes on a website. IndexNow will automatically ping the search engines whenever a web page is added, removed, or updated on a site so they can promptly update their search results.

As a result, IndexNow is able to immediately notify search engines that a new backlink has been added to a website and that the page needs to be inspected in order to determine and transfer PageRank to the target site.

Millions of websites are using IndexNow and you can easily integrate this ping protocol with your site using the following services:

  • CloudFlare
  • IndexNow Plugin
  • RankMath Plugin
  • All In One SEO Plugin

Ping the Backlink URLs

Another method for adding backlinks fast is to manually ping the URLs that contain your link using a free pinging tool like these

Indexing Backlinks Fast Summary

I hope you found this tutorial on quickly indexing backlinks in Google useful. As you now know, Google indexes backlinks in a variety of ways, allowing you to speed up the crawling of your earned links and send the PageRank value for SEO to the target site. And for the quickest results, it's advisable to stick with and keep using the strategy you've found to work best for your website.


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